Monday, August 3, 2020

August Full Moon

August Full Moon peeking from under the clouds, and a double rainbow earlier in the day. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Meadow Bugs....

A few macro shots from the meadow this morning....

Great Golden Digger Wasp

Great Golden Digger Wasps

Dogbane Beetle

Dogbane Beetle

Snowberry Clearwing Moth

Friday, July 17, 2020

NEOWISE at the CJ Brown Marina

One of my planned shooting sessions for NEOWISE was to feature the CJ Brown Marina in the foreground. Using the Photo Pills App and Stellarium, I was able to determine the best point of view for the image I wanted. 
We arrived at the marina a bit before sundown, and watched as some boat returned to dock. 

Once the sun set, we began to see stars. The comet was fainter than the previous week, but I was able to find it by doing a wide angle shot and zooming in on the camera's LCD screen. Once found, we could actually see it with our naked eyes. I used my Olympus Zuiko 300F4 to get some tele pics. I used the Olympus Live Time mode to watch my image develop on the screen and I stopped the exposure when I reached the exposure I wanted. 

Using the Olympus EM1 Mark3 and the Panasonic 8-18mm lens, I did two Live Time exposing for the comet, and the other exposing for the marina. The two were combined in PSCC by adding the comet layer to the marina layer in layer mode "lighten."
Overall, I was pleased with the final image....

Monday, July 13, 2020

Comet NEOWISE Over CJ Brown Reservoir

Comet NEOWISE can be seen this month in the northeast sky from about 3:30am until sunrise.
I planned to shoot it over CJ Brown Reservoir, hoping to catch the lake's glow and the marina lights.
We arrived about 03:40, and this shot was taken at 03:53. 
I used the Olympus EM1 Mark3 in Starry Sky mode for both shots. The first was taken using the Panasonic 8-18mm lens at F. 2.8. Exposure was 3.2 seconds at iso 2000. The wide angle allowed me to capture some of the rocky shoreline in the foreground. 

This shot was taken with the Zuiko 300mm lens at F4, and again at iso 2000 for a 3.2 second exposure. 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Turtle Dinner

Watching this Great Blue Heron at Old Reid Park wondering what he's having for lunch.

Toss it to get it in position...

It's a little Soft Shell Turtle!


Down the hatch!


Saturday, June 27, 2020


Meadowhawks and Elfin Skimmers have arrived at Cedar Bog. 

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Cedar Bog

This is the Ebony Jewelwing....a species of damselfly. They hang out near streams and rivers. This one is from Cedar Bog, in Champaign County, yesterday.
They are metallic green, but can appear blue in some light. The wings of the male look all black in most light, but if you are lucky enough to see them in a shaft of sunlight you can see why they have the name "Jewelwing."