Well, I shot over 5000 images on our 5,000 mile trip. We traveled from Ohio to Canyonland in Utah, then on to visit our son & family in Southern California. From there, we went southeast through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. David drove every single mile. I offered to drive, but he assured me he was quite happy with me being navigator/photographer.
Just for fun, here are some of the shots I took through the drivers side window.
Our blog is a journal of our nature photography adventures. All of our images are free to download and use for educational use, presentations and personal printing usage. Please make sure to leave our credits intact!
Image Galleries
- Astrophotography
- Auroras
- Birds
- Buck Creek Corridor and Local Scenes
- Buck Creek State Park
- Butterflies
- Caterpillars
- Cedar Bog
- Dragonflies & Damselflies
- Dragonfly Flight Images
- Ducks & Shorebirds
- Eagles
- Flora & Fungi
- Insects
- Landscapes & Weather
- Magee Marsh Warblers
- Mammals
- Moths
- National Trails Nature
- Owls
- Reptiles & Amphibians
- Spiders
- Sunset Silhouette Series
- Terri Norris Photography (Senior Pics, Weddings, Sports, All People Pics)
- Videos
- Yellowstone National Park
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Our Travels as Seen from the Navigator Seat....
Milky Way at Arches National Park and White Sands National Park
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Fox Kits at Magee Marsh
The stars of the show at Magee this year were not birds!
Instead, these adorable Fox Kits stole all of the attention. Their den was located on the Estuary Trail and visitors ooohhhed and ahhhed over the babies.
Who could not stop to take a look?
CJ Brown and Old Reid Birds Today....
A few favorites from CJ Brown and Old Reid today.
One of my favorite parts of my outtings is helping new wildlife watchers to see the natural world. It was fun showing a couple of hikers the beauty of the bird world!
Wood Duck Family |
American Redstart Warbler |
Orchard Oriole |
House Wren |
Northern Water Thrush |
Northern Oriole |
Turkey Vultures |
Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers making more gnatcatchers |
Song Sparrow taking home a beakful to the chicks |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
Yellow Warbler |