Saturday, May 15, 2021

CJ Brown and Old Reid Birds Today....

 A few favorites from CJ Brown and Old Reid today.
One of my favorite parts of my outtings is helping new wildlife watchers to see the natural world. It was fun showing a couple of hikers the beauty of the bird world!

Wood Duck Family

Northern Parula

American Redstart Warbler

Orchard Oriole

House Wren

Northern Water Thrush

Northern Oriole

Turkey Vultures

Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers making more gnatcatchers

Song Sparrow taking home a beakful to the chicks

Great Crested Flycatcher

Yellow Warbler

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Great Egret with Bullfrog

A Great Egret caught a Bullfrog at Maumee Bay Boardwalk.

Hen Turkey and Brood

We saw this Hen Turkey and her brood while returning to the campgrounds at Maumee Bay State Park. 

Maumee Bay Boardwalk

A few images from the Maumee Bay Boardwalk yesterday.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Snowy Egret at Old Reid Park

     There was an unusual visitor to Old Reid on Monday.....a Snowy Egret!
While not a rare sighting, even during migration, Snowy Egrets don't often stop here in Clark County, so it was a treat to watch this one in our own local park. 

    Wind storms, snow storms and other weather activities sometimes drive birds like this Snowy Egret off of their regular migration routes. Here's the map showing their regular and migrational ranges from Cornell's All About Birds site:

Yesterday, the Snowy perched on logs and waded in the shallows at Old Reid. It tried to hang out with the resident Great Blue Heron. When the Great Blue flew to another area of the ponds and landed on a shallow rock bar, the Snowy Egret followed and tried to stay with it. The Snowy Egret's much smaller size can be seen here. 

We checked last evening, and did not see the Snowy at Old doubt, it is off to join up with fellow Snowys heading to migrational grounds!