Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Spring Birds at Old Reid and CJ Brown.....

 David, Gracie and I did a little hike around Old Reid and CJ Brown today. Some of our looks....

Our helper...Gracie.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Morning Hike at Old Reid

 David was teaching CPR this morning, so Gracie and I hiked and watched's some of our finds.

Olympus EM1M3 and Olympus 100-400mm.

Northern Parula Warbler

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

Song Sparrow

Northern Parula Warbler

Northern Parula Warbler

Mrs. Wood Duck

Friday, April 9, 2021

Monday, March 8, 2021

Clinton County American White Pelicans

 We made the short trip to Cowan Lake in Clinton County hoping to see the American White Pelicans stopping over there.
Here they are!!

Friday, February 19, 2021

More Eagles!

 This afternoon we took our usual drive through Old Reid and Buck Creek State Park. Lovely snow scenes, but we saw a few assorted birds and a few deer. 
After leaving the park, we headed over to Hodge Rd, hoping to see the Eagles nested there. Though we looked around at the nearby trees and at both nests, we did not see any Eagles.
We were both getting hungry, so decided to head towards Urbana to get some pizza and cut down a couple of backroads. We saw a large flock of crows and slowed down to see what they were agitated about. Across the road from them was a deer carcass....with two adult Eagles feasting on it!
We approached slowly, expecting them to launch, but they stayed at the carcass....apparently their meal took precedence. This was our first look....

We slowly moved forward and the Eagles continue to feast. 

We were able to watch and photograph them for about 10 minutes.....amazing!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Clark County Eagles


Looks like we have 2 active Eagle nests on Hodge Rd.

Some history....

In 1979, there were only 4 Eagle nests in Ohio. Thanks to the actions of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and conservation groups, eagles have resurged and are now nesting in almost all Ohio counties. By April of last year, there were more than 700 nests statewide....with 5 in Clark County. In the Lake Erie counties, eagles are very common and many of my friends up there consider them a "yard bird."
I still get a thrill every time I see one...if you haven't, I hope you'll have that opportunity soon!
For more information: