Snowy River on Buck Creek Lane
Our blog is a journal of our nature photography adventures. All of our images are free to download and use for educational use, presentations and personal printing usage. Please make sure to leave our credits intact!
Image Galleries
- Astrophotography
- Auroras
- Birds
- Buck Creek Corridor and Local Scenes
- Buck Creek State Park
- Butterflies
- Caterpillars
- Cedar Bog
- Dragonflies & Damselflies
- Dragonfly Flight Images
- Ducks & Shorebirds
- Eagles
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- Magee Marsh Warblers
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- Owls
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- Sunset Silhouette Series
- Terri Norris Photography (Senior Pics, Weddings, Sports, All People Pics)
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- Yellowstone National Park
Monday, February 1, 2021
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Eagles Revisited
Monday, January 11, 2021
On a quick drive through Old Reid Park, we spotted a Merlin. These are members of the falcon family and although not rare, they aren't seen frequently.
We watched him preen for about an hour.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area
We did a visit to Killdeer Plains on Saturday with hopes of seeing Short Eared Owls.
In addition to a couple of Short Eareds, we saw at least 15 Northern Harriers, Redtail Hawks, and many others.
A nice surprise was seeing a Northern Shrike which unexpectedly popped out of some roadside brush to take a look at us.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
November Sunset from CJ Brown
I'm just getting around to processing some sunset images shot from the CJ Brown Marina overlook.
The steeples of St. Raphael Church can be seen in the setting sun.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Jupiter and Saturn Conjunction 12/21/2020
One of the biggest astrological events this year is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21.....the Winter Solstice.
This event happens about every 800 years, but 400 years ago it occurred during daylight hours and thus was not visible.
While many folks were calling tis a "Christmas Star," it was not. However, it may have been interpreted as one in years past.
My initial thoughts were to try to photograph the conjunction from our property, but the horizon is not easily visible. This conjunction was low on the horizon, and only visible from just after sunset until Jupiter drops below the horizon at about 7:30pm. Prime time to photograph being about 6:30.
In order to visualize the horizon, I decided to try a couple locations at Buck Creek State Park on 12/20/2020 when we had clear skies. I found that at all of my potential locations did not have clear views, and decided to photograph from Old Reid Park using the ponds as foreground.
This landscape view, using the Olympus EM1 Mark3 and Leic 8-18mm lens, shows the location of the conjunction in perspective to the waning crescent moon.
Using switched to the Olympus Zuiko 300mm lens. The Olympus Starry Sky autofocus mode allowed me to lock focus quickly and accurately on Jupiter and Saturn.
Skies weren't friendly, with almost complete cloud cover. We decided to stay for a bit, and about 6:30, the clouds broke for about 15 minutes.