Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cedar Bog Walk

I spent a beautiful spring afternoon at Cedar Bog. During this pandemic, we are all expected to use "social distancing" to help limit the spread of the virus. During my walk, I only saw about 7 folks, and they were all adherent to the guidelines. At one point, a young couple were closing in behind me on the boardwalk, and they stopped...allowing distancing between us. I laughed, and told them to go ahead and pass, as I would be moving very slowly and didn't want to hold them up. So they passed as I kept stayed as far to the edge as possible, with my back toward them. Such are the ways of the pandemic. 
Some of my finds on this visit..... 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

This fellow was looking in our kitchen window this morning.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Flight Practice

More flight shot practice today with the Olympus EM1 M3 and Zuiko 300mm. I am using the C-AF Track mode, which locks focus on a subject and tracks it. A green box around the subject indicates that it is in focus, and if focus is lost the box turns red. 
There's a low spot in the corn field across the road from us, that becomes a duck pond in the spring. Since we had good light today, I took advantage of the opportunity and pulled my car off of the road parallel to the water. Although it's just across the road, the ducks tolerate the car, whereas if I walk over, they fly.