Saturday, March 7, 2020


We saw on the Ohio Bird List that some American White Pelicans were sighted at CJ Brown Reservoir at the north end of the lake. Our first stop was at the Grant Rd access road.  We walked back the 1/2 mile road, only to find that a helicopter flying over had flushed the pelicans.
We could still see them, and decided to try the Mechanicsburg Rd. access to get a better look.
After walking back that trail, we had a pretty good view of the 7 Pelicans. We watched them for a while until they headed back towards the north end of the lake.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Redwings are back!!

Some Redwing Blackbird images from CJ Brown Reservoir. 

Using the C-AF Tracking mode on the Olympus EM1 Mark3 with the Zuiko 300mm. 

This one had me laughing....looks like they are in battle formation.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Olympus Pro Capture

OLYMPUS pro Capture
Fun with the Olympus EM5 Mark3 using Pro Capture mode!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Golden-Crowned Kinglet

    The temp of 62° today tied the record for this date in 1927. It was breezy, but truly felt like spring.
I walked the loop trail at the CJ Brown Overlook and tried out my new Op Tech USA camera harness. I have adapted it to use with one camera rather than 2, so that I can hike without having to hold on to my camera. 
    It worked quite well for my purposes, and attached to the lens tripod mount plate. This is important because attaching it to the camera can lead to breaking the lens mount on the camera; particularly with heavier lenses. The Olympus Zuiko 300 F4 Pro isn't heavy by any means (2.8#), but I wanted the ablility to support the lens and camera separately. This lets me change lenses without worries of dropping the camera or lens. Overall, it was very comfortable to hike with!
    Here's a few images I shot with the Olympus EM5 Mark 3 and Zuiko 300mm. I am more and more impressed with the autofocus and sharpness of this lens each time I'm out. Because of the EM5-M3 crop factor of 2x; this lens is actually a 600mm equivalent. 

Golden-Crowned Kinglet. Olympus EM5M3, Zuiko 300mm F4, ISO 250, 1/400, F4.5. Spot metering, handheld.

Golden-Crowned Kinglet. Olympus EM5M3, Zuiko 300mm F4, ISO 250, 1/400, F4. Spot metering, handheld.

Golden-Crowned Kinglet. Olympus EM5M3, Zuiko 300mm F4, ISO 250, 1/400, F4. Center Priority metering, handheld.

Golden-Crowned Kinglet. Olympus EM5M3, Zuiko 300mm F4, ISO 800, 1/2500, F4.0. Center Priority metering, handheld. This image was shot using the Olympus Pro Cap mode. 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Quick Drive

A quick drive through Old Reid, Buck Creek and CJ Brown late this afternoon....

Old Reid....Robin enjoying the transient sun. 

One of the feral cats at Old Reid. 

What are you doing out, little fellow? Seen wandering around Buck Creek SP. Hope he's not ill.

Pretty doe!!

Last stop was the beach area at CJ Brown. Cars driving across Robert Eastman Rd. looked like they were driving across the sun!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

  Continuing to test the Olympus EM5 Miii and Zuiko 300mm f4 Pro combo. Distance 164 feet. 

Distance 256 feet. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Deer Season

Deer gun season was in full session yesterday. I was surprised to see do many deer out with the sounds of shots being fired in the public hunting areas of Buck Creek State Park. 
This girl was in the no-hunt area, in a strip of woods sandwiched between a prime feeding lot and the state park main road. The rising sun nicely backlit her. I love the steam from her breath and the icy whiskers. This was shot with the Olympus EM5 Mark III and Zuiko 300mm with 2x converter.