Using the C-AF Tracking mode on the Olympus EM1 Mark3 with the Zuiko 300mm.
This one had me laughing....looks like they are in battle formation.
Our blog is a journal of our nature photography adventures. All of our images are free to download and use for educational use, presentations and personal printing usage. Please make sure to leave our credits intact!
Golden-Crowned Kinglet. Olympus EM5M3, Zuiko 300mm F4, ISO 250, 1/400, F4.5. Spot metering, handheld. |
Golden-Crowned Kinglet. Olympus EM5M3, Zuiko 300mm F4, ISO 250, 1/400, F4. Center Priority metering, handheld. |
Golden-Crowned Kinglet. Olympus EM5M3, Zuiko 300mm F4, ISO 800, 1/2500, F4.0. Center Priority metering, handheld. This image was shot using the Olympus Pro Cap mode. |
Golden-Crowned Kinglet |
White-Breasted Nuthatch |
Tufted Titmouse |
Carolina Chickadee |
Golden-Crowned Kinglet |
Downy Woodpecker |