Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Kingfisher's Dinner

While driving through Old Reid, we saw this male Belted Kingfisher drop down and come up with a fish. It always amazes me how these birds can swallow a fish much larger that it would appear possible. The trick is for them to position the fish just right…headfirst so the fins do not open and obstruct swallowing. That’s what he’s doing in the second & third shot. In the fourth shot, the Kingfisher is tossing the fish up in the air to reposition it. Finally, belly full, he takes a look to see if I caught his performance!



Friday, March 28, 2014

Hooded Mergansers

Thursday morning there were at least 30 Hooded Mergansers at Old Reid. I really wanted to try out my new camera body, a Canon 5D Mark III, but the light was not good….it was overcast and windy.
Here’s a few images…despite the poor conditions, the 5D did well, even at iso 1200.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Coot & GHO

A couple of images from the weekend….an American Coot at Old Reid Park:

And a Great Horned Owl in a local backyard!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Reid Park Long-Tailed Duck

This female Long-Tailed Duck was seen a couple of days ago at Old Reid by Doug Overacker.
 She was back tonight when we checked.