Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September Evening Light Show...

 We took a short drive through Buck Creek State Park and caught the brief end of the sunset. We thought that we'd missed the sunset colors....but little did we know that the real show was just starting! As we parked and walked down to the CJ Brown Beach a huge wall cloud was moving in and the lightning show's my favorite shots. These were all shot using the OM-1's Live Composite mode. In that mode, a base image is captured and then subsequent exposures are added to the base image....but only new light is added. It's great for lightning and fireworks. The skill is in holding the camera still (while hand-holding) for the entire time that images are being captured...these shots are from 10-25 seconds each. From the beach and parking lot at CJ Brown.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Old Mackinac Lighthouse Point

We some unexpected view of the Aurora last night when a cracked developed in the Earth's magnetic field. 
Not the best auroras we've experienced here in Mackinaw City,  but still lovely!