Sunday, December 8, 2019

Deer Season

Deer gun season was in full session yesterday. I was surprised to see do many deer out with the sounds of shots being fired in the public hunting areas of Buck Creek State Park. 
This girl was in the no-hunt area, in a strip of woods sandwiched between a prime feeding lot and the state park main road. The rising sun nicely backlit her. I love the steam from her breath and the icy whiskers. This was shot with the Olympus EM5 Mark III and Zuiko 300mm with 2x converter. 

Some Winter Birds

   I am trying a new mirrorless system....the Olympus EM5 Mark III combined with the Zuiko 300mm Pro lens. The weight of this combo is a fourth of the weight of the Canon DSLR and 500 F4 combo I've used for many years. 
   In addition, the Olympus body has IBIS (in-body image stabilization) allowing sharp images as low shutter speeds....a real boon for hand-holding while tracking little birds.  
   Another bonus of the Oly camer is that it is a micro 4/3 system...meaning that it has a 2x crop factor...making the 300mm lens a 35mm equivalent of 600mm. I added the 1.4x and 2x converters, but most likely won't need them for much of my imaging. 
   Yesterday, here in Ohio, we had a beautiful, sunny day. Cold, but great light for testing out the new combo on winter birds. I headed to Buck Creek State Park at the Overlook area. Here's some of my walk around images. 

Golden-Crowned Kinglet

White-Breasted Nuthatch

Tufted Titmouse

Carolina Chickadee

Golden-Crowned Kinglet

Downy Woodpecker