Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bald Eagles at Buck Creek

On our drive through Buck Creek this morning, we saw two very large birds on the beach at CJ Brown Reservoir. They were adult bald eagles and appeared to be feasting on some washed ashore fish.
We weren’t able to approach close enough for good shots, but while crossing the dam a few minutes later, one of the birds crossed directly in front of us. David was able to grab a couple of shots with his handheld 300mm. I’m hoping that we’ll see some nest building next year….what a treat to see these birds in our area!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oine Siskins and Ruddy Duck

Friday, I took a drive through CJ Brown, and encountered a flock of about 20 Pine Siskins. Lighting wasn’t optimal, but you can get the idea.

This morning, David & I headed on our usual route, and while driving through Old Reid, we saw this Ruddy Duck. I was driving, so David shot from the passenger window and did a good job of getting the fall foliage reflected in the pond.