2022 Ram Promaster Service Experience at Key Chrysler Dodge and London CDRJ


2022 Ram Promaster 3500 Service Experiences at 2 Local Service Centers

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We've had a very bad experience with one local Ram Service Center, and ultimately our van issue was resolved at a very good local center. 
As of today, our van has been at the two service centers for over 10 weeks. 
On 5/10/2024 while on a trip to Lake Erie and camping at Maumee Bay State Park, our power steering stopped functioning. We looked at things that we could possibly remedy but were not able to get it working. We ran codes with our OBD ScanGauge, and the only code was “Failure to Communicate with Body Control Module.”
We were able to drive the van home on 5/11/2024 and on Monday morning, I contacted Key Chrysler to schedule an appointment. The first open time was on 5/15.
5/15/2024 Dropped van off at Xenia Key Chrysler. Requested them to check for power steering malfunction and service engine light on. No cruise control. Explained that the OBD code fault showing is “0140 Failure to communicate with body control module. Service Advisor Connor condescendingly states “That has nothing to do with the power steering.” Also asked them to do an oil change.
5/22/2024 No call or information received. Called Service at 5pm and was told by female that Connor had left for the day. I was informed that Connor would call with an update the next morning.
5/23/2024 No call, email or voice message received.
5/24/2024 Called and again spoke to female in service center. She told me that the vehicle was invoiced and ready to go. I questioned that and she said she needed to check with Connor.
When she returned to the call, she apologized and informed me that there was a mix up because there was a vehicle for another “Norris” there. My vehicle was still being checked. She said that Connor said he left a message (rechecked and there were no cell or home phone messages). Said that he informed her that they were still attempting to diagnose the issue and would contact me.
5/29/2024 I called and spoke with Connor. He stated “the technician is doing a test drive right now.” No additional info, but I was told that I would be updated.
6/3/2024 No additional updates provided , so I called and spoke to Service Manager Eli. Connor gone for the day. Eli will give him message to call “first thing in the morning.”
6/4/2024 No calls received.
6/5/2024 Called and reached Connor. States “still diagnosing,” and that “Service Manger will be calling you in the morning.”
6/6/2024 No calls today.
6/7/2024 I called and asked for the Service Manager, Eli. He apologized for not getting back to me yesterday.
He says that they have determined that the issue is with the “Steering rack and pinion” and that they may not be able to do the replacement at their facility. States that they have one rack that can hold van, and that it is booked up. If they are able to do the repair, he is not able to provide any time frame. I explained that we had hoped to use it for an upcoming trip on 6/20/2024, and he’s not able to offer any resolution by then. Our only alternative would be to transport it to another Ram dealership.
6/10/2024 Opened case with Ram Cares. Case #90280702. Spoke with Cash. She will contact Key Service Manager Eli to see what can be done to expedite. Will send e-mail update.
6/13/2024 Have not heard or received any additional info, so contacted RAM Cares Case Management. Angel is the Case Manager. According to RAM Cares call rep, there is an update to the case as of 8am and she is going to contact me today.
6/13/2024 12:18pm Angel returned call and there has been no contact with the dealership. I voiced concerns that a case was opened 4 days ago and that no contact has been made by RAM Cares with the dealership. After discussion, she agrees to contact the dealership and to call e today with an update. Angel’s direct line: 877-633-1105 ext 5141041
6/13/2024 4:15pm Received call and update from caseworker Angel. She has contacted the Key Chrysler Service Manager, and reports that he states that they anticipate having the repair done “within one week.” She will be checking with them again on Monday morning to provide any additional updates.
6/19/2024 Angel called and stated that she tried to get in touch with the Key Chrysler Service Manager unsuccessfully. She will try again in 48 hours. Requested e-mail update as I will be traveling on 6/21/2024.
6/21/2024 Did not receive an e-mail as requested, but instead a voice message basically repeating the complaint with no additional update. No note of any actions in progress.
6/25/2024 The van has now been at Key Chrysler for 6 weeks.
Called RAM Care contact number and left voicemail for Angel requesting update today.
6/26/2024 Received email from Angel listing 2 service centers that have lifts that would accommodate the van.
6/27/2024 I called the nearest center (Dave Dennis Chrysler) that was provided in the email from Angel. Spoke with “Tom.” He states that they do not have a lift with the correct capabilities. He states “we actually send vehicles to Key Chrysler because they have a heavier lift.”
I called the second center that Angel sent which is London Chrysler in London, Ohio. Spoke with a “Corey,” who states that they have the appropriate lift and can service the vehicle. Advised that we will arrange to get the van to them tomorrow (Friday).
6/28/2024 We went to Key with the intent to drive the van from there to the London service center (the van was driven to Key sans power steering). The van was parked in their remote parking area and would not start.
We informed Service Manager, Eli, and he brought out a wheeled jumper.
It did not have enough of a charge to jump the van. He brought out a second unit, which also did not have an adequate charge.
I then retrieved our own portable jumper from our Subaru and jumped the van. Upon jumping it, the van started and all accessories activated, but the van shut down immediately when the charger was removed. Eli repeated this multiple times with the same result. He then asked “do you want us to look at it?” To which I responded “since we’re here to drive it to London, of course we do.”
We left the van there for them to check the battery and any necessary diagnostics.
We left Key at 10:20 with the understanding that we would be called this afternoon with an update..
6/28/2024 15:10 I called Key for an update. Was told the battery was being replaced.
6/28/2024 16:40 I received a call from Eli stating that battery was replaced and the van is ready for pick up. I questioned whether the alternator could be the problem, and he stated that if the alternator was not working properly a code would be shown. I will call Eli on Monday morning, and he will make sure that the van starts OK before we arrive to drive to London Chrysler.
7/1/2024 10:30am We picked up the van at Key Chrysler and drove it to London Chrysler Dodge Ram Jeep. Note that there was 1 mile on the speedometer since dropping off on 5/15/2024.
At LCRDJ, Service Manager Corey was updated on battery replacement and oil change that was done at Key.
7/1/2024 Received a call from Corey at 11:03 saying that there was a recall on the van regarding the backup camera and that our van doesn’t have the issue.
Also, Corey states that they ran codes on the van and that it displayed over 100 codes. States they are down to 15. States that codes were not re-set after battery was changed at Key. He will keep us updated, but doubts that they can do much until after holiday.
7/3/2024 Received an update from Corey saying that they were not able to get it checked due to the holiday.
7/8/2024 Received a call from Case Manager Angel stating that a technician at London CDRJ is out on a medical problem and that it will delay diagnosis of issue.
7/12/2024 I called London CDRJ and spoke with Corey. He states that diagnosing the issues is complicated and that there are plans to work on it on Monday (7/15/2024).
7/16/2024 Received a call from Corey. He states that they have a diagnosis. There’s water in the power steering connectors/wiring harness. States that they are checking on what will need to be replaced and ordering parts.
7/23/2023 I called Corey at London CDRJ to check on progress. He states that he is awaiting info on how to obtain the needed connectors.
7/29/2024 I called LCRDJ for an update. Corey says he is still working to order the parts. I again voiced concerns that this ordeal has now been going on for over 10 weeks. He sympathized, and states he will contact Chrysler today. I told him that I’d be awaiting a follow up call today.
7-29-2024 Corey called back and said that parts are ordered and will be in Wednesday (7/31/2024). States that they will install on Thursday and that he hopes to have the van ready for pickup on Friday.
8/2/2024 Cory called at 8:00 this morning and says the van is ready!
We picked it up and everything is covered under warranty. Corey and Diane spent time explaining the diagnosis process and the issues they had in getting the problematic connector (pictured below) ordered (they couldn’t get just the connector, but had to instead get the harness).
Everything is working as it should! We highly recommend London CDRJ!

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