Monday, February 10, 2025

Great(er) Day for Ducks at Old Reid

 Some quackers from Old Reid this afternoon. The theme today was "Greater." We're starting to see a variety of ducks and geese move through as the ice melts. Of note today were Lesser Scaups and a single Greater Scaup. The Lesser Scaups have dark head feathers and a bit of a crest on the back of their head....whereas the Greater Scaup has green head feathers and a more rounded head. The Greater is not rare, but it is unusual to see one for me at Old Reid. Also saw the Greater White-Fronted Geese that Bill saw yesterday, and some Hooded Mergansers.

Greater Scaup on the left with a couple of Lesser Scaup

Greater Scaup wing flap.

Greater Scaup with a Scaup hen (unknown if Greater or Lesser).

Greater White-Fronted Geese.

Hooded Mergansers