Monday, February 10, 2025

Great(er) Day for Ducks at Old Reid

 Some quackers from Old Reid this afternoon. The theme today was "Greater." We're starting to see a variety of ducks and geese move through as the ice melts. Of note today were Lesser Scaups and a single Greater Scaup. The Lesser Scaups have dark head feathers and a bit of a crest on the back of their head....whereas the Greater Scaup has green head feathers and a more rounded head. The Greater is not rare, but it is unusual to see one for me at Old Reid. Also saw the Greater White-Fronted Geese that Bill saw yesterday, and some Hooded Mergansers.

Greater Scaup on the left with a couple of Lesser Scaup

Greater Scaup wing flap.

Greater Scaup with a Scaup hen (unknown if Greater or Lesser).

Greater White-Fronted Geese.

Hooded Mergansers

Friday, January 17, 2025

Horned Larks

Horned Larks can be seen in flocks along the berms of snowy roads. 


Sunset Eagles

 The Hodge Road Eagles were enjoying the sunset this evening.