Monday, March 11, 2024

Roadtrek Play Upgrades (Part 2)

Upgrade Posts List:

Part 1 (Bed Coverings, Bask-a-Table, Aisle Upper Storage Shelf, Cup Holders (for table), Rear Corner Storage Mini Buckets)

Part 2 (Cab Blackout Curtains, Bathroom Door Latch, Bathroom Floor Mat, Bathroom Door Kickstop, Shower Head, Bathroom Motion/Light Sensing Puck Light)

Part 3 (Under Bed Storage Access, LED Headlights, Rear Door Spare Tire Mount)

Part 4 (Slider Door Handle, Exit Step Down Handle, TV Mount, Stove & Sink Covers, Utensil Drawer Storage)

Part 5 (Battery Disconnect for the Chassis, ScanGauge III)

Part 6 (Bathroom Privacy Curtain Extension)

Here's a few more of the upgrades we've added to our 2023 Roadtrek Play:
In this post:

  • Cab Blackout Curtains
  • Bathroom Door Latch
  • Bathroom Floor Mat
  • Bathroom Door Kickstop
  • Shower Head
  • Bathroom Motion/Light Sensing Puck Light

Cab Blackout Curtains

We learned pretty quickly that the cab window covers included with our Play are not very easy to place and store. They were quickly relegated to the "things we don't need" area of our basement. Like many other Roadtrek owners, we found that it's better to add a curtain between the cab and the house area. 
We used a double-layered blackout curtain. In addition to ensuring privacy, the curtain insulates the living area and keeps the hot air from the windshield and windows in the cab. 
To place the curtain rod, we used these curtain clips from Amazon.  They are "self stick" but we ended up gluing them in place. I used E-6000 glue, and they aren't going anywhere! Bonus....they come in a couple of colors and the black blends in nicely with our Play's trim.
The trim where we attached the curtain rod has a very slight arch, so I bent the curtain rod slightly to fit. It's important to make sure that you leave room on both outer rod clips for the curtain rod finial if there is one. 

Bathroom Door Latch

It doesn't take long to get tired of dealing with that rod used to keep the bathroom door closed during travel. We added this Barn Door Latch from Amazon, and the door is much easier to keep closed. 
Tip: install the latch so that the hook fits snuggly in the catch to keep it from rattling. 

Bathroom Floor Mat

The Play bathroom floor is a tad cold, and can be slippery if wet. 
I used a template from a wooden floor to make a paper template and then cut flooring out of a Non-Slip Poyvinyl Loofa Mat. It's easy to pull out and shake out, and insulated the floor. The mat is porous and so far, we love it!

The Template and the Template Instructions are here for download.

Bathroom Door Kickstand
The bathroom door (particularly the left one) never stays open. This Kickdown Door Stop from Amazon works well for us. I initially ordered the 6" model, but ended up returning and getting the 7" model which is great! There are two in the package, but we haven't had the need to install on the right side door (yet). 

A couple other bathroom improvements.....

Shower Head

The OEM shower head does not have a means for shutting off the water without turning off the faucets. 
This Camco shower head has an on/off switch, and it's an easy upgrade.

Battery Operated motion Light

The light in the Play bathroom is VERY bright....blindingly so if you're up during the night. And...the switch is hard to find in the dark. I picked up these Motion Puck Lights (3 pak) and one of them in the bathroom is a game changer! They stick well, and only come on in the dark with motion. Plenty of light for a quick night-time visit. I put this up well over a year ago and just last week changed the battery. 

That's all for Part 2. Thanks for looking!

Upgrade Posts List: