Our blog is a journal of our nature photography adventures. All of our images are free to download and use for educational use, presentations and personal printing usage. Please make sure to leave our credits intact!
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- Yellowstone National Park
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
CJ Brown Snowy Owl
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Old Reid Ducks
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Madison County Snowy Owl
After seeing social media posts over the last week of a Snowy Owl in Madison County, we decided to join the Snowy Owl club and make the short drive to see it. As predicted, the owl was perched in the Moen Parking lot on rt 40 in Madison County....the same location where it had been for several days.
Many observers and photographers were present, so we parked and walked toward the crowd. Within 10 minutes of our arrival, the owl flew off, and we were able to catch a couple of nice flight shots.
We stayed around for about 30 minutes, then headed home. I've since seen that the owl is back at the same location.